CLAM - Principal  
Pelo mundo  
In 12/05/2010

Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope?

It doesn’t seem right that the Catholic Church is spending Holy Week practicing the unholy art of spin. Complete with crown-of-thorns imagery, the church has started an Easter public relations blitz defending a pope who went along with the perverse culture of protecting molesters and the church’s reputation rather than abused children.
Pelo mundo  
In 10/05/2010

Redefining rape

Women are increasingly reporting sexual violations/exploitation within the home, workplace, friends’ circle or university that don’t quite match the strict requirements of ‘rape’ or the loose connotations of ‘outraging her modesty’, the two broad types of sexual violations that the law recognises.
América Latina  
In 15/02/2010

Queer Cultural Geographies

Sexuality Studies and LGBT Activism in Latin America. The Sixth International Latin American Cultural Studies Conference, to be held at the University of Pittsburgh the first three days of April 2010, will gather a number of people who have been key to activism and academic work on LGBT issues in Latin America.
América Latina  
In 09/12/2009

“Strategies from the South

“Strategies from the South: Building Synergies in HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” now has a new website, containing updated and expanded information about the project, activities, members, and the issues the project deals with, among others.
Por el mundo  
In 09/12/2009

A woman's right

"Restrictive abortion laws do not prevent abortion," says a recent The Economist article, published in October's edition of the magazine. According to the publication, around 40% of women live in countries where abortion is severely restricted by law, but such laws do not prevent abortion.
América Latina  
In 03/08/2009

The polyphony in sexuality

The articles gathered for the second issue of Sexuality, Health and Society – A Latin American Journal bring together an interesting portrait of the polyphony surrounding sexuality and gender topics in the countries of this Region.
Pelo mundo  
In 03/06/2009

Pre-LASA forum

Under the title of “Sexualities, social movements and academia”, CLAM and LASA’s Sexuality Studies Section are organizing a day-long event to debate sexual politics research and interventions in Brazil. Wednesday, June 10, 10am to 6pm, at UERJ.
Pelo mundo  
In 27/04/2009

Sexual behavior in the region

The article “A Life Course Approach to Patterns and Trends in Modern Latin American Sexual Behavior”, written by researchers Michel Bozon (photo), Cecilia Gayet and Jaime Barrientos, explores trends in sexual behavior in Latin America.
Pelo mundo  
In 16/04/2009

Women, HIV and Human Rights

Read the document "Women, HIV and Human Rights - the crisis of criminalization," presented by Alice Welbourn, former international chair of the lnternational Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, at the Meeting on Women and AIDS at the House of Commons.
Por el mundo  
In 16/04/2009

A holy mistake

In Africa, Pope Benedict said that "[AIDS] cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems", despite the 25 million people who have already died. is running the campaign “Pope Benedict: help us prevent AIDS.”
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