CLAM - Principal  
Pelo mundo  
In 09/09/2010

Internet Governance, Sexuality and Women's Rights

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a key, robust and relatively open multi-stakeholder platform created by the United Nations to discuss public policy matters related to internet governance. However, it has been a challenging space for women's rights and sexual rights advocates. In the fifth and final year of its mandate, women's rights are still being dwarfed as a critical issue to be debated in this arena, while sexuality issues although present, is not seen as a matter of rights. 
In 03/09/2010


Conference objectives: To promote understanding and further study of male and female same-sex sexual practices, identities and communities, including expressions of gender diversity, in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Pelo mundo  
In 01/09/2010


People Make Places: ways of feeling the world. Lisbon (17/04/2011 - 21/04/2011)
Call for papers: Panel “Emotions and the Public Sphere” (P214). Submission Deadline: 15/10/2010
Pelo mundo  
In 12/08/2010

The fifth edition of

The latest issue Sexualidades No. 5: A Working Paper Series on Latin American and Caribbean Sexualities is out: The fifth edition of the trilingual online journal, Trajectories of Male coupling in Mexico City: An exploration based on sexual biographies by Gabriel Gallego Montes is now available on the IRN website.
Pelo mundo  
In 04/08/2010

State sponsored homophobia

ILGA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association publishes the 4rth edition of its report and maps on State Sponsored Homophobia throughout the world based on research by Daniel Ottosson.
In 20/07/2010

Habemus equal marriage

This fundamental step in the legal recognition of LGBT rights in Argentina results from an intense work of activism: political, academic and social. Read article by researchers Carlos Figari and Mario Pecheny about the new argentine law that incorporates same-sex couples into civil marriage, with the same rights and obligations, including adoption.
Pelo mundo  
In 15/07/2010

A queer calculation

SHORTLY after 4 a.m. on the frigid morning of July 15th, Argentina became the first country in Latin America to permit gay marriages nationwide, and to allow homosexual couples to adopt children. After over 14 hours of debate and fierce legislative arm-twisting, the Senate voted 33 to 27 to approve the bill. (Published on The Economist online)
In 22/06/2010

Abortion realities

While data released by the National Abortion Survey shows that 15 percent (nearly 5.3 million) of Brazilian women have had an induced abortion, a Federal Legislative Commission approves the "Statute of the Unborn” Bill. If approved, it would establish that human life begins at conception and, therefore, should be protected by law
Pelo mundo  
In 06/06/2010

Politics of Sexuality in Latin America

Edited by Javier Corrales and Mario Pecheny, The Politics of Sexuality in Latin America presents the first English-language reader on LGBT politics in the region. Representing a range of contemporary works by scholars, activists, analysts, and politicians, the chapters address LGBT issues in nations from Cuba to Argentina.
Pelo mundo  
In 06/06/2010

Out of the closet

Queering the Public Sphere in Mexico and Brazil, written by Rafael de la Dehesa as a result of his PhD thesis, is a groundbreaking comparative analysis of the historical development and contemporary dynamics of LGBT activism in Latin America’s two largest democracies.
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