CLAM - Principal  



Por el mundo


Org.: Luiz Mello (Federal University of Goiás) and Carlos Figari (University of Buenos Aires)

SOCIEDADE E CULTURA magazine has publicly announced a call for papers for the thematic dossier, organized by Professors Luiz Mello (Universidade Federal de Goiás) and Carlos Figari (Universidade de Buenos Aires). Selected papers will be published in magazine vol. 15, no. 2, 2nd semester of 2012.

Papers in Portuguese, English, or Spanish will be accepted if according to magazine standards (available at, and related to the following thematic line:

The purpose of the dossier Another matrimonial cartography is to gather research papers, reviews, and reports that analyze changes in family, kinship, marriage, love, marital relationships, and family bonds, mainly considering the growing legal and social recognition of same-sex sexual-affective relationships and new possibilities of correlation between marital relationships, sexuality, and reproduction. It also aims at providing visibility to research focusing on national and/or transnational specific contexts that point out ideological disputes concerning notions of family, marriage, love, and sexual rights from social movements, mass media, religious institutions, the State (executive, legislative, and judiciary branches), as well as academic production.

Contributions must be sent directly to the dossier organizers through the following emails: and

Deadline to send papers: March 30th 2012.

In addition of papers for the dossier, the magazine is continuously receiving other contributions: papers on various subjects, research notes, and reviews on relevant books in social sciences. Such papers must be sent to the magazine editors, according to submitting standards.

In 18/01/2012


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