CLAM - Principal  




Towards a democratic right to sexuality

Written by Judge Roger Raupp Rios, the document aims to reflect upon sexual rights from the standpoint of the Brazilian legal debate. Its purpose is to collaborate towards the advance of the legal debate on sexuality from a human rights perspective.

The document is divided into four parts: the first one is about reproductive and sexual rights; in the second part, the author presents the basic elements to develop a right to sexuality – according to the basic principles of freedom, equality and dignity; the third part presents the objections to the democratic right to sexuality – the majority argument, the moralist argument and the biomedical argument; the author ends presenting some sensitive subjects in the right to sexuality, among them prostitution and pornography.

Click here to download.

In 18/05/2005


IMS/UERJ - R. São Francisco Xavier, 524, 6º Andar, BL. E - 20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil