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Por el mundo

Call for Papers: Southern Feminist Theory

Recently there has been renewed debate about global issues in feminism, which goes beyond the discussions of gender in development, women’s role in transnational institutions, and postcolonial theory, to the contemporary global diversity and politics of feminist theory.

In 2016, the journal Feminist Theory is publishing a special issue that focusses this discussion about theory as a contribution to the decolonization of feminist thought, and as a step towards greater internationalization of the journal itself.

The proposal follows from a paper by Raewyn Connell, soon to be published in FT, that describes the wealth of feminist thought in the postcolonial world, and discusses the ways feminists working in the South tend not to be seen as theorists, or struggle to gain recognition in globally influential Northern feminist journals, teaching, and books. The special issue would build out from this paper, exploring the work of Southern feminist theorists and activist communities, and the global dynamics of feminist research, publishing and teaching.

We are looking for interested contributors, and would be very happy to discuss possibilities in advance, and to share resources. We are looking for contributions of several types: full length papers (7000 words); shorter ‘think pieces’ for our ‘Interchanges’ section (3000 words) and review essays (3000 words). Please write to us first if you would like to propose a ‘think piece’ or a review essay (see previous copies of the journal for examples). All contributions should be submitted for peer review by 1st December 2014 via the Feminist Theory website For colleagues whose first language is not English, some assistance with translation is a possibility.

Please contact Celia Roberts ( and/or Raewyn Connell ( for more information or to discuss a submission.

In 30/01/2014


IMS/UERJ - R. São Francisco Xavier, 524, 6º Andar, BL. E - 20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil